مع تطور الروبوتات والأنظمة المستقلة الأخرى وزيادة ذكائها، بدأ استخدام تطبيقاتها بشكل متزايد في مجالات متنوعة - مثل الرعاية الصحية والأمن والنقل والتصنيع.
مع ذلك، توجد فجوة كبيرة بين قدرات الروبوتات الحالية ومتطلبات العالم الحقيقي. من خلال تحدي محمد بن زايد العالمي الكبير للروبوتات البحرية، نطمح في أسباير إلى تقليص هذه الفجوة من خلال دفع الحدود التكنولوجية وتمكين الروبوتات من العمل باستقلالية أكبر في بيئات ديناميكية غير منظمة، والتفاعل معنا ومع بعضها البعض.
ستجمع المسابقة التي ستقام في عام 2024 بين الجامعات المعتمدة والمؤسسات البحثية والمبتكرين من جميع أنحاء العالم للتعاون على إيجاد حل عملي لتحديات الأمن البحري العالمية مثل الصيد غير المشروع والقرصنة والتهريب والاتجار بالبشر.
إنها التجربة الأولى من نوعها التي ستشمل تعاوناً بين الطائرات والسفن غير المأهولة لأداء مهام الملاحة والمعالجة المعقدة في بيئة بحرية محجوب فيها إشارات أنظمة الملاحة عبر الأقمار الصناعية.
تقدم المسابقة جائزة مالية قدرها 3.25 مليون دولار.
سيحصل الفائز بالمركز الأول على جائزة مقدارها 2 مليون دولار.
سيحصل الفائز بالمركز الثاني على جائزة مقدارها 500000 دولار.
سيحصل الفائز بالمركز الثالث على جائزة مقدارها 250000 دولار.
كما سيتم تقسيم جائزة نقدية خاصة قدرها 500000 دولار بين الفرق المتأهلة إلى مرحلة العرض.
يجب على الفرق التي توافق على استلام جوائز مرحلة العرض منح أسباير وصول غير حصري ودائم دون مقابل إلى الملكية الفكرية بالإضافة إلى حقوق الترخيص لأطراف ثالثة.
The journey to Abu Dhabi
Now till February 2024, the MBZIRC Maritime Grand Challenge will stretch the collective intelligence and creativity of teams from universities, research institutions, and innovative businesses the world over. The journey to the final in Abu Dhabi will challenge robotics pioneers to collaborate, innovate, and generate new technical solutions that meet the demands of the modern world.
01 أكتوبر, 2021 - 31 يناير, 2022
White paper submission deadline has now passed. Semi-finalists will be announced in March 2022.
أكتوبر 2022
سيتم اختيار الفرق المتأهلة إلى النصف النهائي لإكمال مهام التفتيش والتدخل عبر محاكاة يتم تنفيذها خلال زيارة ميدانية من قبل لجنة التحكيم في أغسطس 2022. يجب توفير إثبات مفهوم للمكونات المختلفة المستخدمة في النظام وذلك لإثبات جدوى النهج المُتبع.
يجب أن يغطي العرض التوضيحي العناصر التالية من التحدي:
- تنفيذ البحث والتفحص لأجسام كبيرة باستخدام طائرات غير مأهولة
- نظام الاتصال داخل السرب واتخاذ القرار بشكل جماعي
- الحمل الجماعي ونقل الأجسام الكبيرة إلى موقع المحطة.
Feb 2024
سيعقد العرض النهائي المباشر على مدار عدة أيام في أكتوبر 2023 في منطقة بحرية مخصصة قبالة ساحل أبوظبي، حيث ستقوم خمسة فرق متأهلة للتصفيات النهائية باختبار أنظمتها.
تعتمد عملية التحكيم على وقت إنجاز المهمة حيث يتم تحديد الفائز من خلال تحديد إجمالي الوقت المستغرق لإكمال مهام الفحص والتدخل (بالإضافة إلى أي عقوبات). سيتم تحديد حد أقصى من الوقت لإكمال المهام، حيث يعتر الفريق خاسراً في حال فشل في إكمال المهام خلال ذلك الوقت المحدد. إذا سمحت الظروف، سيتم منح الفرق فرصاً متعددة لإكمال المهام.
Qualified White Paper submissions as per white paper submission requirement
Qualified Teams
Team name | Country | Collaborating Entities |
ABHIYANTA | India | Sagar Defence Engineering Pvt. Ltd, India |
Acanthus | India | Bullayya College of Engineering Visakhapatnam, India |
Aero Tech Logistics | Bangladesh | United International University, Bangladesh |
AeroMIT | India | Manipal University, India |
AIRBORNE ROBOTICS | United Kingdom | AIRBORNE ROBOTICS, United Kingdom |
Amphibees Team | Turkey | Istanbul Technical University, Turkey |
Argo's Crew | Belgium | RMA - Belgian Royal Military Academy, Belgium |
BUAA Seafowl RoboticsTeam | China | Beihang University, China |
Cooperative Mission Control (CMC) - Ryerson University and University of Bath | Canada | Ryerson University, Canada |
Cosmobotics | India | Cosmobotics, India |
C-PARROT | USA | Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Labs, USA |
Critical HIT | China | Harbin Institute of Technology, China |
Dubai Police Youth | UAE | Dubai Police, UAE |
Fly Eagle | China | Beijing Institute of Technology, China |
Flying Tigers | UAE | Rochester Institute of Technology, Dubai, UAE |
GATA | Turkey | GATA, Turkey |
GGM | Republic of Korea | GGM Team, Republic of Korea |
HiPeRT | Italy | HiPert Srl, Italy |
KAU Team | Saudi Arabia | King Abdulaziz University (KAU), Saudi Arabia |
KU Leuven – Group T | Belgium | KU Leuven university, Belgium |
Land Ocean International Automation Technology And Development Co., Ltd. | China | Land Ocean International Automation Technology And Development Co., Ltd., China |
MBZUAI Team | UAE | Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, UAE |
National University of Technology (NUTECH) | Pakistan | NUTECH - National University of Technology, Pakistan |
Naval Swarms X | France | Naval Group, France |
New Dexterity / CARES - Talos Team | New Zealand | University of Auckland, New Zealand |
NTU-ARIS | Singapore | Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |
PredatorX | India | Great Eagle Tech, India |
R.U.G.V.E.D. Systems | India | Manipal Academy of Higher Education, India |
RAMPART (Robotic Autonomous Maritime Protection And Retrieval Technologies) | USA | Autonomous Flight Technologies, Inc., USA |
ROC | Denmark | Technical University of Denmark, Denmark |
Seagulls of Dune | Ukraine | ELEKS, Ukraine |
SKALP Robotics Association | Poland | Robotics Association SKALP, Poland |
Sky-Eye | Spain | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain |
Slozhno | Russia | Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia |
SRB Aerial Systems | Saudi Arabia | SRB Aerial Systems, Saudi Arabia |
Team ANKA | Turkey | Team Anka, Turkey |
Team ArRow | UAE | New York University, Abu Dhabi, UAE |
TEAM CLARENDRON | India | Team Clarendron, India |
Team Garuda | India | Indian Institute of Science (IISc), India |
Team KAIST | Republic of Korea | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Republic of Korea |
Team Luna | India | Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, India |
Team SARIYA | Portugal | Drone Drop, Portugal |
Team Spearhead | USA | New York University - Tandon School of Engineering, USA |
TESTUDO | USA | University of Maryland, USA |
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China | China | University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China |
UNIZG-FER team | Croatia | University of Zagreb, Croatia |
Unmanned Aerial Systems - Delhi Technological University (UAS-DTU) | India | Delhi Technological University, India |
UNSW Competitive Robotics Group (UCRG) | Australia | University of New South Wales, Australia |
Versa UAS | UAE | Versa Aerospace LLC, UAE |
VETRI | India | Virginia Tech India Research and Education Forum, India |
Warsaw MIMotaurs | Poland | University of Warsaw, Poland |
ZJU-HI | China | Zhejiang University (ZJU), China |

The open source MBZIRC Maritime Grand Challenge simulator is provided by Open Robotics, the global leader in software for robotics simulation and application development.
MBZIRC Maritime Grand Challenge Simulator is available at:
GitHub - osrf/mbzirc: Simulator for the MBZIRC Maritime Grand Challenge
The simulation platform for the MBZIRC Maritime Grand Challenge will be built on Ignition and Robot Operating System (ROS).
Ignition Gazebo is an open-source 3D robotics simulator. It accurately and efficiently simulates robots for a wide range of applications, including maritime robotics. It has a robust physics engine, advanced 3D graphics, and programmatic interfaces, including integration with ROS. Ignition also offers an online 3D model repository, Ignition Fuel, that offers various robot and environment 3D assets readily available for simulation.
ROS is an open source software development kit that helps to build robot applications It offers a standard software platform to developers across industries that will carry them from research and prototyping all the way through to deployment and production. Ignition integrates well with ROS, which means that software developed using ROS for simulation in Ignition can easily be ported to work on real hardware, facilitating a smooth transition from simulation to reality.
The simulation environment created for the MBZIRC Maritime Grand Challenge will consist of a large coastal region, UAVs with different sensor configurations, a USV model, a robot manipulator, and multiple target vessels. A set of ROS2 APIs will be exposed for controlling robots and reading data from sensors in simulation. Inter-robot communication will be provided through a separate set of APIs, and the communication links are subject to package loss and interferences that are common in outdoor wireless communication.
The MBZIRC simulation platform will run on Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal). Users can install the software from source for local testing and development. In addition, Docker images of the simulation setup will also be made available.

The simulator uses historical weather data provided by meteoblue to simulate realistic weather conditions.

The open source MBZIRC Maritime Grand Challenge simulator is provided by Open Robotics, the global leader in software for robotics simulation and application development.
MBZIRC Maritime Grand Challenge Simulator is available at:
GitHub - osrf/mbzirc: Simulator for the MBZIRC Maritime Grand Challenge
The simulation platform for the MBZIRC Maritime Grand Challenge will be built on Ignition and Robot Operating System (ROS).
Ignition Gazebo is an open-source 3D robotics simulator. It accurately and efficiently simulates robots for a wide range of applications, including maritime robotics. It has a robust physics engine, advanced 3D graphics, and programmatic interfaces, including integration with ROS. Ignition also offers an online 3D model repository, Ignition Fuel, that offers various robot and environment 3D assets readily available for simulation.
ROS is an open source software development kit that helps to build robot applications It offers a standard software platform to developers across industries that will carry them from research and prototyping all the way through to deployment and production. Ignition integrates well with ROS, which means that software developed using ROS for simulation in Ignition can easily be ported to work on real hardware, facilitating a smooth transition from simulation to reality.
The simulation environment created for the MBZIRC Maritime Grand Challenge will consist of a large coastal region, UAVs with different sensor configurations, a USV model, a robot manipulator, and multiple target vessels. A set of ROS2 APIs will be exposed for controlling robots and reading data from sensors in simulation. Inter-robot communication will be provided through a separate set of APIs, and the communication links are subject to package loss and interferences that are common in outdoor wireless communication.
The MBZIRC simulation platform will run on Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal). Users can install the software from source for local testing and development. In addition, Docker images of the simulation setup will also be made available.

The simulator uses historical weather data provided by meteoblue to simulate realistic weather conditions.
Team name | Country | Collaborating Entities |
Argo's Crew | ![]() Belgium | Royal Military Academy |
Fly Eagle | ![]() China | Beijing Institute of Technology, China |
HiPeRT | ![]() Italy | HiPert Srl |
ROC | ![]() Denmark | Technical University of Denmark, Denmark |
Sky-Eye | ![]() Spain | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid |
Team KAIST | ![]() Republic of Korea | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) |
UNIZG-FER team | ![]() Croatia | University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER) |
UNSW Competitive Robotics Group (UCRG) | ![]() Australia | University of New South Wales |
Warsaw MIMotaurs | ![]() Poland | University of Warsaw |
MBZUAI Team (Withdrawn) | ![]() UAE | Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, UAE |
SKALP Robotics Association (Withdrawn) | ![]() Poland | Robotics Association SKALP |
Team Luna (Withdrawn) | ![]() India | Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER Bhopal) |
ZJU-HI (Withdrawn) | ![]() China | Huzhou Institute of Zhejihang University |

- Each hull made of three 2m-long watertight sections joined together
- Design allows scope to re-use hull sections in different hull configurations (longer...larger)
- Swappable hull sections guarantee ease of maintenance and low downtime

- Battery + Solar panel powered propulsion guarantees large operational range
- Electric engines allow for virtually silent and environmentally friendly operations
- Hull sections can be pre-configured and fitted according to different mission requirements
Ease of transport, assembly and deployment

- Hull and upper platform sections are no longer than 2m
- The whole vessel can be conveniently stored and shipped in pieces
- Assembly of the vessel requires basic tools (screwdriver, wrenches, pliers) and no glue/adhesive

Robust marine design

- Two steerable engines,and optionally,four rudders guarantee unmatched manoeuvrability
- Redundancy in case of failure : Each central Hull section is independent. The catamaran can be manoeuvred only with one motor and one rudder.
- Large flat surfaces available for safe transport of mission payload, or Solar panel installation.
Feature | Modular Catamaran |
Hull construction | Fiberglass |
No. of hull sections | 3 |
Length (LOA) | 6 m |
Total height | 1.4 m |
Height over waterline | 1 m |
Draft | 60 cm |
Width | 300 cm |
Dry weight | 500 Kg |
Payload | 600 Kg (overload up to 1000 kg) |
Cruise speed | 4 knots |
Max speed | 8 knots |
No. of engines | 2 |
Max engine power | 2x4 kW |
Standard battery pack | 16 cells lifepo4 3.2V 110Ah . 5.6 kWh x 2 (nominal) 4.8 kWh at standard discharge @ 48V |
Extended Battery pack | 32 cells lifepo4 3.2V 110Ah . 11.2 kWh x 2 (nominal) 9.6 kWh at standard discharge @ 48V |
Range (battery operated) | 15 Nm 25 Nm (standard Bp) , 30 nm 50 Nm extended Bp |
Charging time | Standard Charge: 4h Fast Charge: 1h (fast charger optional) |
Solar panels area | 6 m^2 , max power 1.1 Kw , charging time 8- 16 hours (standard extended battery pack) |
Range with solar panel <= speed 3kn | Unlimited, battery recharge |
Dimensions in mm

Thrusting Steering
- Rotation angle: +/-90°
- CAN open interface
- Max rotation speed 15°/sec
- Auto zero
- Encoder resolution 0.1 deg

- Each hull made of three 2m-long watertight sections joined together
- Design allows scope to re-use hull sections in different hull configurations (longer...larger)
- Swappable hull sections guarantee ease of maintenance and low downtime

- Battery + Solar panel powered propulsion guarantees large operational range
- Electric engines allow for virtually silent and environmentally friendly operations
- Hull sections can be pre-configured and fitted according to different mission requirements
Ease of transport, assembly and deployment

- Hull and upper platform sections are no longer than 2m
- The whole vessel can be conveniently stored and shipped in pieces
- Assembly of the vessel requires basic tools (screwdriver, wrenches, pliers) and no glue/adhesive

Robust marine design

- Two steerable engines,and optionally,four rudders guarantee unmatched manoeuvrability
- Redundancy in case of failure : Each central Hull section is independent. The catamaran can be manoeuvred only with one motor and one rudder.
- Large flat surfaces available for safe transport of mission payload, or Solar panel installation.
Feature | Modular Catamaran |
Hull construction | Fiberglass |
No. of hull sections | 3 |
Length (LOA) | 6 m |
Total height | 1.4 m |
Height over waterline | 1 m |
Draft | 60 cm |
Width | 300 cm |
Dry weight | 500 Kg |
Payload | 600 Kg (overload up to 1000 kg) |
Cruise speed | 4 knots |
Max speed | 8 knots |
No. of engines | 2 |
Max engine power | 2x4 kW |
Standard battery pack | 16 cells lifepo4 3.2V 110Ah . 5.6 kWh x 2 (nominal) 4.8 kWh at standard discharge @ 48V |
Extended Battery pack | 32 cells lifepo4 3.2V 110Ah . 11.2 kWh x 2 (nominal) 9.6 kWh at standard discharge @ 48V |
Range (battery operated) | 15 Nm 25 Nm (standard Bp) , 30 nm 50 Nm extended Bp |
Charging time | Standard Charge: 4h Fast Charge: 1h (fast charger optional) |
Solar panels area | 6 m^2 , max power 1.1 Kw , charging time 8- 16 hours (standard extended battery pack) |
Range with solar panel <= speed 3kn | Unlimited, battery recharge |
Dimensions in mm

Thrusting Steering
- Rotation angle: +/-90°
- CAN open interface
- Max rotation speed 15°/sec
- Auto zero
- Encoder resolution 0.1 deg

You may download the historic Abu Dhabi Weather Data provided by meteoblue here